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The Brite Star After School Club
"The Brite Star After School Club book series is a captivating collection of stories aimed at children aged 4 to 7 years, focusing on various educational and life lessons. Each book in the series introduces the young members of the Brite Star After School Club as they embark on different adventures and learn important values and skills. Guided by caring and knowledgeable adults like Teacher Lisa and community figures such as Officer Dan, the children explore topics ranging from safety practices, such as school bus safety and stranger awareness, to environmental consciousness.
"The Brite Star After School Club book series is a captivating collection of stories aimed at children aged 4 to 7 years, focusing on various educational and life lessons. Each book in the series introduces the young members of the Brite Star After School Club as they embark on different adventures and learn important values and skills. Guided by caring and knowledgeable adults like Teacher Lisa and community figures such as Officer Dan, the children explore topics ranging from safety practices, such as school bus safety and stranger awareness, to environmental consciousness.…
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